Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Soon to hit the press (or silk screen, that is)

We are at the tail end of production on our limited edition artistic DVD for Forms of Identification. Here are a few views of the outer and inner jacket, which unfolds, just like the film, to reveal different layers of our identity.


This unique DVD was conceptualized and designed by Stacy Asher and Kristin Tieche, based on the most striking scenes and lines from the film.


Of course, our design would be without meaning if it weren't for the moving choreography and interpretation of Jessica Ingersoll-Cope.


The limited edition art DVDs are currently being silk-screened by hand one by one by Stacy Asher. A small batch will be available for purchase through our official website and at special events in late March or early April of 2012. Details to come.

As for our regular DVDs, we are printing another batch the week of March 6, 2012. So if you are still expecting your reward from your Kickstarter donation, it will be coming to you very, very soon!

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